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About Deb's Dog Training

     In 1977 I started training with a local obedience club with my own dog, I was immediately hooked on the sport.  I went through an apprenticeship with the club to become an obedience instructor.  I then taught group classes for the club for a few years.  I had training ideas of my own that I wanted to try and use, so I started teaching my own classes.


     Since 1977 I have earned numerous obedience and agility titles with my own dogs and have successfully trained many of my students to earn titles with their dogs.  I have trained and worked with 120 different breeds and mixed breeds.  I show in TDAA (Tea Cup Dog Agility Association) and hold the title of first 8’’ TDAA National Agility Champion with my Jack Russell Terrier, MACH 5 Booker CDX.  I also show in AKC (American Kennel Club) MACH The Bug OF is the #1 Russell Terrier in AKC agility in 2008 & 2009, UKC (United Kennel Club), NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council), and USDAA (United States Dog Agility Association), and have titled my dogs with all five organizations.  I am currently training and competing with Miniature Poodles, a Toy Fox Terrier and a Rat Terrier.

I see potential in every dog.  Let me help you with your training needs.  It is important that your dog comes when called, and to not rush out a door and to walk on a loose leash,not pulling and dragging you down the street.  Basic commands and behaviors should always be taught.  Come, heel (loose leash walking), sit, down, stand and wait at every  door you open and not rush out.

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